Add to Calendar 2023-10-29 15:00:00 2025-01-15 13:35:34 Light and Love: Remembering Irene Grimm Thomas Aquinas College America/Los_Angeles public
Irene Grimm


A Musical Recital Featuring Paula Grimm (’08), David Kaiser (’09), and Justas Maknickas (’24)

Irene Grimm (1929 – 2022) is the beloved mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother of 91 Thomas Aquinas College students and alumni, including grandchildren Paula Grimm (’08) and David Kaiser (’09). “David and I were thinking that we would like to honor our grandmother who inspired the love of music in the family,” observes Paula. “Every Christmas she insisted that everyone take a turn singing her their latest aria.” From that inspiration comes this free concert, which, fittingly, takes place on October 29, 2023 — Mrs. Grimm’s 94th  birthday.

Paula Grimm
Paula Grimm (’08)
David Kaiser
David Kaiser (’09)
Justas Maknickas (’24)
Justas Maknickas (’24)



Paula Grimm soprano, David Kaiser tenor, Justas Maknickas pianist

Georg Fredric Handel
Care Selve (Atalanta) 
Comfort Ye My People; Ev’ry Valley Shall Be Exalted (Messiah)
Miss Grimm
Mr. Kaiser
Franz Schubert
An die Musik
Licht und Liebe
Mr. Kaiser
Miss Grimm, Mr. Kaiser
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Un aura amorosa (Cosi Fan Tutte)
S’altro che lacrime (Clemenza di Tito)
Mr. Kaiser
Miss Grimm
Fredric Chopin
Etude Op. 25 No. 12 (“Ocean”) Mr. Maknickas
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Dies Bildnis is bezaubernd schön (Die Zauberflöte)
Der Holle Rache (Die Zauberflöte)
Mr. Kaiser
Miss Grimm
Giacomo Puccini
E lucevan le stelle (Tosca)
O mio babbino caro (Gianni Schicchi)
Nessun Dorma (Turandot)
Mr. Kaiser
Miss Grimm
Mr. Kaiser